Rules And Regulation

1.School Timings for classes I–V: 7.35 am -1.50 pm.

2. The school gate will close at 7.40 am sharp. Children coming after 7.40 am will be sent back.

3. School will remain closed for Classes I to V on all Saturdays.

    Remedial classes will be conducted on 2nd and 4th Saturdays.

4. School will remain closed for Classes VI to X on 1st Saturdays.

      2nd and 4th Saturdays will be half day.

      3rd Saturday will be full working day.

5. Students are required to bring diary to the school everyday.

6. Students should reach the school by 7:30 am.

7. Students are expected to keep the campus neat and clean by using the dustbins provided for throwing bits of the paper etc.

8. Students must take care of school property like not writing on the walls or benches.

9. Students must look after their belongings. They are advised not to bring costly articles to   school. The school shall not be responsible for any article which may be lost or stolen.

10. Students should always be neatly dressed with their shoes polished and hair done properly.

     a) Girls with short hair should wear red hair band. Those with shoulder length hair      should make a pony tail with an red elastic  band. Long hair should be  plaited  and tied  with an red elastic  band/ red ribbon at the end.

      b) Boys to keep their hair short.

      c) Finger nails should be cut short and kept clean.

11. Students are not allowed to use the office telephone without the permission of the office  in-  charge.

12. Parents and guardians are not permitted to visit the classroom to meet their wards during  school hours unless in an emergency .

13. Students are not allowed to leave the school during school hours.

       In case of an emergency the parent has to inform the class teacher. No child will be  allowed to leave the  school without  a gate pass which is to be collected from the office   after entering in  the register.

Attendance -

75% attendance compulsory.

Attendance is compulsory:
a) On the last working day prior to the spell of holidays
b) On the first working day on resumption of studies
c) On 15 August and 26 January- National Holidays.

Leave -

Leave request should be accompanied by an application signed by the parent/ guardian.

In case of illness, the student , on returning to school , must submit a xerox copy of the medical certificate.

Fees should be paid quarterly on or before the 15th of Jan/ Apr/ Jul/ Oct (according to the quarter for which the fees is being paid).

LATE FEE: If fees is not paid by due date, late fee will be charged as under:

Sr No Time Duration Amount
1  Up to the 20th of the current month Rs. 100/-
2 For One month’s delay Rs. 200/-
3 For Two months’ delay Rs. 400/-
4 For Three months’ delay Rs. 750/-

If fees and fine are not paid for the quarter, the admission of the fee defaulters will stand cancelled. They will be liable to pay the admission charges again along with the fees of the next quarter.

If the fees and fine are not paid for the three consecutive months, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls.

Students of all classes should also pay the fees of the quarter ending March before the commencement of their Annual examination.

A student is expected to make full use of the library. Students should go to the library as per their time table.
A student can borrow one book at a time.

The student should examine the book before leaving the library. Any mark or damage shall be reported to the librarian.

Any book that is lost/damaged must be replaced at once or its current price must be paid.

Students are required to keep a record of their reading.

Students are not allowed to carry any other book/ notebook while visiting the library.